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recrystallization 3-day workshop with Jonathan Kemp, Martin Howse, and Ryan Jordan, Berlin, July 18th - July 20th 2011

recrystallization was convened around the premise that while life itself starts from aperiodic crystals that encode infinite futures within a small number of atoms, the digital crystallization of the flesh by capital limits these futures to the point of exhaustion.

If computers and the minerals from which they are made are considered as equally crystalline, then their recrystallization is only possible through the introduction of vigorous and noisy positive feedback loops.

Where the previous decrystallization workshops had addressed the computational side of this equivalence in recovering some component materials through executing various mechanical and chemical processes on old computers parts, recrystallization refined the attack further by re-purposing elements of discarded computers as the means of their further subversion, as well as in its renewed chemical leachings to successfully recover minerals including gold for asynchronic recombinations.


Salvaging materials from computer boards

Using Nitric Acid (nitric/distilled water 1:3 mix) to remove gold pins from cpus

Using Electrolysis to recover gold from salvaged pins and connectors

Re-purposing hard drives as disc grinder/sanders

Heating and crushing ICs to aid in dissolution of gold and silver in Aqua Regia

Using Aqua Regia (hydrochloric acid/nitric acid 3:1) to recover gold from crushed ICs

Using nitric acid to recover gold foils from finger connectors

Attempting to melt all the recovered gold

Testing coherers and negative oscillators made from recovered copper and zinc

Lo-no amp performance made with re-purposed cd and hard drives

Selected large documentary images: documentation

Images by Martin Howse, Kathrin Günter, video by Jonathan Kemp

recrystallization/description.txt · Last modified: 2013/01/23 09:51 by jj