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The Politics of Experience

An exhibition by Basil Olton

18:30pm, April 12th 2012, Nohup, Studio 22, 38-40 Upper Clapton Road, London, E5 8BQ

with opening night performances by Jonathan Kemp and Ryan Jordan

The Politics of Experience oscillates between image, movement and stillness. Inspired by R.D. Laing and Walter Benjamin, The Politics of Experience sets out to demonstrate and highlight the unavoidable nature of difference through the experience of an event, the mediation of sculpture and installation, and the manipulation of chemical states.

Through the process of re-generation (copy of a copy), Basil Olton attempts to suspend movement into a repetition of a moment. Inspired by the fragility of narrative structures, memory and desire, he transforms the improvised passing of fragmented moments into a pattern, plot or mythos, using rhythm, rupture and the juxtaposition of texture, image and pattern to analyse meaning.

Influenced by Russian constructivism, 1960s minimalist sculpture and post-colonialist theory, Basil Olton appropriates the medium of ceramics and mixed media to revise, re-evaluate and re-contextualise the artefacts of identity. His work migrates and mediates between the minimal and the excessive to investigate the beauty of the accidental, memory and the desire for something lost or taken away.


Studio 22, Old Tram Depot, 38-40 Upper Clapton Rd, London E5 8BQ

Rail: Clapton Station (Chingford Line from Liverpool St)

Buses: 253, (N)254, 106, Brooke Rd stop from south; Leabridge Roundabout stop from north

48, (N)55, 56, Leabridge Roundabout stop

38, Clapton Pond stop

the_politics_of_experience.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/04/01 04:22 by jj